An AI-powered blockchain agent that interacts with the Solana blockchain using natural language. Built with OpenAI's Assistant API.
Interact with the Solana blockchain using natural language through our user-friendly chat interface. Simply type your requests, and let BrainPower handle the complexities for you.
1. Download Git from
Install Git for Windows - Use all default options during installation
2. Download NVM from
Install NVM (Node Version Manager) for Windows - Download the latest nvm-setup.exe
1. Install Homebrew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Copy and paste this command in Terminal to install Homebrew
2. brew install nvm
Install NVM using Homebrew
nvm install 23.1.0
Install Node.js version 23.1.0 or above (required)
nvm use 23.1.0
Switch to the installed Node.js version
npm install --global yarn
Install Yarn package manager globally
git clone
Download the project files (paste this in Terminal/Command Prompt)
cd brainpower
Go to the project folder
yarn install
Install all required dependencies
Copy this exactly into your .env file
1. Go to and create a free account
2. Create a new project and database
3. Click "Connect" and choose "Drivers"
4. Add your IP address to network access (click "Network Access" and "Add IP Address")
5. Copy your connection string
Your Solana Devnet wallet private key (create one using Phantom wallet)
Get this from
Replace <password> in your MongoDB connection string with your actual password
Get this from (Free Devnet RPC available)
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=your_chat_id
Optional: For Telegram notifications
yarn dev
Start the application - Then open http://localhost:3000 in your browser